September 30-October 1-October 2

The Nitro Trophy
Awarded to the highest CRX level dog that finishes the meet.
What follows is the orignal announcement
 from this trophy's first presentation.

 This award is being presented in honor of

Queenie’s Wndcr Caffine Blast, FCh, OTR, CRX-XI

Greater St. Louis Whippet Club and Show-Me Whippet Club are proud to sponsor this perpetual trophy in
honor of this distinguished whippet that belonged to 2 special members of our clubs,
Samara King & Anne Thatcher.

For so many years we enjoyed watching Nitro compete, place in the top 10 often in his youth, earn
Championship points on the NPR/WRA & NOTRA venues & complete his ASFA FCh in very
competitive style.  He started out under the old NPR program but when the CRX program was developed his
points from NPR transferred over to the WRA program and he distinguished himself by becoming the first ever CRX-XI.   He earned this level in 2004 & stood as the sole “eleven” until 2007 when another dog joined him
in this lifetime accomplishment.  In the 14 years of existence of the WRA program there are still only a
handful of whippets that reached the 10th level and beyond.

Since Nitro steadily earned his points throughout his lifetime we felt it only proper to name this a
“lifetime achievement” award.

The criteria for winning the award is:

The winner will be the whippet entrant who has achieved the highest CRX level.  Points earned the day of
the National meet will count should that push a whippet to the next level in their career.

The winner must enter the regular WRA National racemeet& complete all programs of that meet.

Should there be more than one whippet at the same level, the award will go to the whippet with the highest score.
(in the event of a tie with CRX level AND scoring, it will go to the dog coming off the board from the higher race)


This trophy will be awarded for the first time at the 2007 WRA Nationals & will continue to be awarded for a
total of 15 years.  At the end of 15 years it will be retired with the intent of giving it to Sam & Ann.

Earlier this year Nitro crossed the rainbow bridge, but we honor his memory & the longevity, stamina, & ability he possessed to race well enough & earn enough points to elevate himself to CRX-XI.   He was a special whippet.

Past Winners

2007 Atilla Queenie's Casino Laptop   Randolph/Boutelle/Weilbacher
2008 JJ Lookout Blasting Zone Joanne Stewart
2009 Millie Bitterblue's Nnykeimene   Loube/Garwacki
2010 Millie Bitterblue's Nnyktimene   Loube/Garwacki