British Columbia Whippet Racing Club

Abbotsford,  BC


Heats Run:  4

Entry:   22

In Conjunction:   NN 

Race Secretary:   Penny Holbrook

Placement Race Points    Call Name Name Grade Owner WRCh Pts Nat Pts
1 21.000 SCR 4 Graffiti-A Hilerica Beautiful Crime N Adley, D 0.000 0.000
1 25.000   Alias TCS Codename: Blank H Mackey, S 3.000 3.000
2 24.000   Tiago Hilerica Sky Pilot H Adley, D 1.000 1.000
3 17.000   Greya Touchdbyfire it's Black and White H Budau, C 0.000 0.000
4 15.000   Sonic-S Touchdbyfire Afterburn H Swann, C 0.000 0.000
5 15.000   Gnocchi Wildabout Gnocchi Alla Romana at TCS H Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
6 14.500   Winter Touchdbyfire Winter is Coming N Budau, C 0.000 0.000
7 14.000   Rooster-S Touchdbyfire Wingman H Swann, C 0.000 0.000
8 12.000   Gusto-H Touchdbyfire Once More with Feeling N Hedman, E 0.000 0.000
9 10.000   Ryka Galeforce the End of the Rainbow N Lyttle, G 0.000 0.000
10 10.000   Hopper Quixand Easy Rider N Holbrook, B 0.000 0.000
11 10.000   Voodoo-S Nouveau's Witch Doctor N Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
12 9.000   Raj-S Nota Bene Arcite N Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
13 8.000   Kraken-S Nouveau's Unleash the Kraken (DII) N Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
14 7.000   Mazikeen Take Five Blue Bossa N van Elst, R 0.000 0.000
15 7.000   Siggy Shannon Down TCS Shield-Maiden N Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
16 7.000   Warrior TCS Road Warrior by Cash Creek N Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
17 6.500   Jax Vitesse California Outlaw N Holbrook, B 0.000 0.000
18 3.000   Aida Hunt Valley Pippa (DII) N Nakatsu, E 0.000 0.000
19 3.000 SCR 4 Spud Galeforce Wicklow Nugget N Lyttle, G 0.000 0.000
20 2.000   Sadie-L Dioro Sailaway Serengeti N Leinbach, L 0.000 0.000
21 0.000   Dallas-S Williwaw's Walking In Memphis (DII) N Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
22 0.000 SCR 3 Zoleen Stormhold Zarina Zoleen (DII) N Kowalczyk, E 0.000 0.000
Race by Race Results
Heat 1
Race 1: Graffiti-A
Race 2: Jax , Aida , Warrior , Sadie-L , Dallas-S , Zoleen
Race 3: Raj-S , Kraken-S , Siggy , Spud , Voodoo-S
Race 4: Winter , Ryka , Gusto-H , Hopper , Mazikeen
Race 5: Alias , Gnocchi , Tiago , Rooster-S , Greya , Sonic-S
Heat 2
Race 1: Graffiti-A
Race 2: Mazikeen , Spud , Voodoo-S , Sadie-L , Dallas-S , Zoleen (Scr)
Race 3: Sonic-S , Hopper , Gusto-H , Siggy , Warrior
Race 4: Greya , Rooster-S , Ryka , Kraken-S , Aida
Race 5: Alias , Tiago , Winter , Gnocchi , Jax , Raj-S
Heat 3
Race 1: Graffiti-A (Scr)
Race 2: Siggy , Voodoo-S , Warrior , Sadie-L , Dallas-S
Race 3: Gusto-H , Kraken-S , Hopper , Spud (Scr) , Aida
Race 4: Sonic-S , Ryka , Mazikeen , Raj-S , Jax
Race 5: Tiago , Alias , Gnocchi , Greya , Rooster-S , Winter
Heat 4
Race 1: Voodoo-S , Warrior , Sadie-L , Aida , Dallas-S
Race 2: Hopper , Raj-S , Kraken-S , Jax
Race 3: Winter , Gusto-H , Ryka , Mazikeen , Siggy
Race 4: Tiago , Alias , Greya , Rooster-S , Sonic-S , Gnocchi


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