British Columbia Whippet Racing Club

** NATIONALS ** Squamish,  BC


Heats Run:  4

Entry:   70

In Conjunction:   NT 

Race Secretary:   Penny Holbrook

Placement Race Points    Call Name Name Grade Owner WRCh Pts Nat Pts
1 21.000 SCR 4 Graffiti-A Hilerica Beautiful Crime N Adley, D 0.000 0.000
2 13.000 SCR 4 Carney-S Jammin' Farseer Carnival N Salts, D 0.000 0.000
1 26.000   Miles-G WildAbout Peter Barker A Ghielmetti, B 0.000 8.000
2 22.000   Dutch Devereux Flying Dutchman A Detweiler, C 0.000 6.000
3 21.000   Freestyle Quixand Jammin Freestyle A Heiniger, S 8.000 4.000
4 18.000   Griffey Wildabout Home Run Hitter A Apple, D 0.000 1.000
5 18.000   Greya Touchdbyfire it's Black and White A Budau, C 6.000 1.000
6 15.000   Sonic-S Touchdbyfire Afterburn A Swann, C 3.000 0.000
7 15.000   Empress Jammin' Tea at the Empress B Behnke, L 3.000 0.000
8 14.500   Tiago Hilerica Sky Pilot A Adley, D 0.000 0.000
9 14.500   Revenant Jammin' Fear Factor A Ziegler, B 0.000 0.000
10 14.000   Dragon-K Sandstorm Red - Dragon B King, S 0.000 0.000
11 13.000   Stevie-J Longrun's I Just Called To Say I Love You B Johnson, C 0.000 0.000
12 12.000   Hopper Quixand Easy Rider C Holbrook, B 0.000 0.000
13 12.000   Axl Jammin' Sweet Chai O' Mine A Eberl, J 0.000 0.000
14 11.000   Gnocchi Wildabout Gnocchi Alla Romana at TCS B Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
15 11.000   Alias TCS Codename: Blank A Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
16 11.000   Divina Vitesse Caelestis Admiratio A Fyler, T 0.000 0.000
17 11.000   Dusk Wicked Ridge Witching Hour C Hemphill, J 0.000 0.000
18 10.000   Rooster-S Touchdbyfire Wingman B Swann, C 0.000 0.000
19 10.000   Reprieve Jammin' TCS Not Today, Satan D Ripley, O 0.000 0.000
20 10.000   Raj-S Nota Bene Arcite C Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
21 10.000   Jyn Wicked Ridge Rogue One D Brousseau, K 0.000 0.000
22 9.000   Bowie-S Quixand Takefive Under Pressure C Swann, C 0.000 0.000
23 9.000   Summit Hilerica Blackcomb B Hilliker, A 0.000 0.000
24 9.000   Zephyr Racemor Goddess of the West Wind A Krick, J 0.000 0.000
25 9.000   Gusto-H Touchdbyfire Once More with Feeling C Hedman, E 0.000 0.000
26 9.000   Riot-E QuiXjam Riot Act B Eberl, J 0.000 0.000
27 9.000   Tia Nouveau's Calypso Tia Dalma (DII) D Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
28 8.000   Boujee-B TCS Jammin' Bad N' Boujee C Behnke, L 0.000 0.000
29 8.000 PSCR 4 Ryka Galeforce the End of the Rainbow C Lyttle, G 0.000 0.000
30 8.000   Koa Vitesse Kekoa Ikaika B McConnell, S 0.000 0.000
31 8.000   Wanda Whirling Wanda B Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
32 8.000   Mazikeen Take Five Blue Bossa C van Elst, R 0.000 0.000
33 8.000   Oasis Willa's Oasis Palm C Fyler, T 0.000 0.000
34 8.000   Warrior TCS Road Warrior by Cash Creek C Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
35 7.000 PSCR 4 Entei Vitesse Volcanic Legacy at TCS A Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
36 7.000   Raven-S Shadow Run Black Raven B Stenger, C 0.000 0.000
37 7.000   Crackle Jammin' Crackle C Behnke, L 0.000 0.000
38 7.000   Heiress On Target's It's Apparent C Ziegler, B 0.000 0.000
39 7.000   Harmon Vitesse Coup De Foudre B Burlingame, P 0.000 0.000
40 7.000   Ophelia Wicked Ridge Stars are Fire C Salts, D 0.000 0.000
41 7.000   Piggy Saesi 3Spot Eartheater Phish B Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
42 7.000   Sybil-K Tarakru's Lady Sybil Crawley C Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
43 6.000   Maverick-F TCS Comin' In Hot B Fry, L 0.000 0.000
44 6.000   Kraken-S Nouveau's Unleash the Kraken (DII) C Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
45 6.000   Voodoo-S Nouveau's Witch Doctor C Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
46 6.000   Siggy Shannon Down TCS Shield-Maiden C Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
47 6.000 SCR 4 Tanooki Offspring's Challenge Me A O'Leary, P 0.000 0.000
48 5.000   Medley Touchdbyfire Perfect Combination C Sandberg, F 0.000 0.000
49 5.000   Punk TCS Generation Gap B Jarrett, L 0.000 0.000
50 5.000   Weller TCS Full Proof D Hilliker, A 0.000 0.000
51 5.000   Cutter QuiXandz Boy Who Waited C Eberl, J 0.000 0.000
52 5.000   Inky Tarakru's Rorschach B Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
53 5.000   Beaker Horsetooth Agent 99 (DII) D Beagan, S 0.000 0.000
54 5.000   Auggie Devonair's Augustine at Tarakru C Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
55 5.000   Shroom Saesi Lejend Ridiculous Thoughts (DII) D Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
56 5.000   Mitzi Aytonfield Can't Go Wrong (DII) C Shinski, B 0.000 0.000
57 5.000 SCR 4 Jax Vitesse California Outlaw D Holbrook, B 0.000 0.000
58 5.000 SCR 2 Fuego Hilerica Mitzvah D Adley, D 0.000 0.000
59 4.000   Watson Fallowfield Quite a Dizzy! C Vermeulen, J 0.000 0.000
60 4.000   Nani Vitesse Pua Nani Our Beautiful Flower C McConnell, J 0.000 0.000
61 4.000 SCR 4 Sadie-L Dioro Sailaway Serengeti D Leinbach, L 0.000 0.000
62 3.000   Scooter Longrun's on Top of the World at Rosewood D Slater, M 0.000 0.000
63 3.000   Addy Tarakru's Atomic Fireball C Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
64 2.000   Aida Hunt Valley Pippa (DII) D Nakatsu, E 0.000 0.000
65 2.000   Rogue-K Tarakru's Rogue C Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
66 2.000   Dallas-S Williwaw's Walking In Memphis (DII) D Swepston, K 0.000 0.000
67 2.000 SCR 2 Spud Galeforce Wicklow Nugget C Lyttle, G 0.000 0.000
68 0.000   Jordie Aytonfield Big Dreamer (DII) D Shinski, B 0.000 0.000
69 0.000   Q Tarakru's Q Ball D Taras Krupa, B 0.000 0.000
70 0.000 PSCR 2 Fame-S Ryland's Infamous Leading Lady (DII) C Shinski, B 0.000 0.000
Race by Race Results
Heat 1
Race 1: Graffiti-A , Carney-S
Race 2: Fuego (Scr) , Shroom , Tia , Jordie
Race 3: Reprieve , Scooter , Aida , Dallas-S , Q
Race 4: Jax , Beaker , Sadie-L , Weller , Jyn
Race 5: Hopper , Dusk , Spud (Scr) , Cutter , Addy
Race 6: Bowie-S , Oasis , Gusto-H , Voodoo-S , Rogue-K
Race 7: Crackle , Kraken-S , Nani , Watson , Mitzi
Race 8: Boujee-B , Ryka , Ophelia , Raj-S , Auggie , Fame-S
Race 9: Medley , Mazikeen , Heiress , Warrior , Siggy , Sybil-K
Race 10: Gnocchi , Harmon , Summit , Maverick-F , Inky
Race 11: Rooster-S , Wanda , Punk , Raven-S , Piggy
Race 12: Dragon-K , Riot-E , Empress , Stevie-J , Koa
Race 13: Griffey , Tiago , Axl , Tanooki
Race 14: Miles-G , Revenant , Freestyle , Sonic-S , Divina
Race 15: Greya , Entei , Dutch , Alias , Zephyr
Heat 2
Race 1: Graffiti-A , Carney-S
Race 2: Weller , Jyn , Dallas-S , Addy , Jordie , Q
Race 3: Cutter , Voodoo-S , Watson , Mitzi , Rogue-K
Race 4: Raj-S , Siggy , Sybil-K , Auggie , Fame-S (PScr)
Race 5: Raven-S , Maverick-F , Piggy , Inky , Warrior
Race 6: Stevie-J , Koa , Sadie-L , Aida , Tia
Race 7: Summit , Punk , Ophelia , Gusto-H , Nani , Heiress
Race 8: Empress , Dusk , Oasis , Shroom , Scooter , Beaker
Race 9: Ryka , Mazikeen , Wanda , Harmon , Riot-E , Kraken-S
Race 10: Sonic-S , Zephyr , Tanooki , Reprieve , Alias , Divina
Race 11: Hopper , Boujee-B , Bowie-S , Medley , Crackle , Jax
Race 12: Dutch , Freestyle , Dragon-K , Gnocchi , Rooster-S , Axl
Race 13: Miles-G , Griffey , Tiago , Greya , Revenant , Entei
Heat 3
Race 1: Graffiti-A (Scr) , Carney-S (Scr)
Race 2: Auggie , Addy , Mitzi , Rogue-K , Jordie , Q
Race 3: Inky , Warrior , Watson , Sybil-K , Dallas-S
Race 4: Heiress , Piggy , Tia , Aida , Nani
Race 5: Gusto-H , Maverick-F , Jyn , Voodoo-S , Siggy
Race 6: Koa , Kraken-S , Beaker , Shroom , Scooter
Race 7: Divina , Riot-E , Harmon , Ophelia , Sadie-L (Scr)
Race 8: Alias , Stevie-J , Raven-S , Weller , Raj-S , Cutter
Race 9: Reprieve , Wanda , Crackle , Oasis , Punk , Jax (Scr)
Race 10: Rooster-S , Gnocchi , Axl , Dusk , Mazikeen , Medley
Race 11: Dragon-K , Empress , Bowie-S , Zephyr , Tanooki (Scr) , Summit
Race 12: Freestyle , Tiago , Revenant , Boujee-B , Entei , Ryka
Race 13: Miles-G , Dutch , Greya , Sonic-S , Griffey , Hopper
Heat 4
Race 1: Sybil-K , Mitzi , Rogue-K , Dallas-S , Jordie , Q
Race 2: Warrior , Siggy , Nani , Addy , Aida
Race 3: Tia , Voodoo-S , Shroom , Watson , Scooter
Race 4: Jyn , Ophelia , Piggy , Inky , Beaker , Auggie
Race 5: Raj-S , Oasis , Harmon , Punk , Weller , Cutter
Race 6: Dusk , Riot-E , Mazikeen , Medley , Maverick-F , Kraken-S
Race 7: Axl , Zephyr , Gusto-H , Raven-S , Crackle , Heiress
Race 8: Stevie-J , Divina , Summit , Koa , Wanda , Entei (PScr)
Race 9: Revenant , Gnocchi , Alias , Bowie-S , Boujee-B , Ryka (PScr)
Race 10: Empress , Tiago , Dragon-K , Rooster-S / Reprieve , Hopper
Race 11: Freestyle , Dutch , Miles-G , Griffey , Greya , Sonic-S


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