Southern Most Sighthounds

Williston,  FL


Heats Run:  4

Entry:   41

In Conjunction:   NT LG AO 

Race Secretary:   Julie Vermeulen

Placement Race Points    Call Name Name Grade Owner WRCh Pts Nat Pts
1 23.000   Miles-G WildAbout Peter Barker A Ghielmetti, B 0.000 5.000
2 20.000   Sonic-R Sandstorm Breaking the Sound Barrier A Robertson, L 0.000 3.000
3 18.000   Tarot Upgrade Supersonic B Horner, R 5.000 1.000
4 17.000   Suzy Q Shannon Down Run Through the Jungle B Lyons, S 3.000 0.000
5 15.500   Whiplash Quixandz 1Up Speed Racing Double Take B Robertson, L 1.000 0.000
6 15.000   Oasis Willa's Oasis Palm B Fyler, T 0.000 0.000
7 15.000   Zephyr Racemor Goddess of the West Wind B Krick, J 0.000 0.000
8 12.000   Sonny-N Willa's Sonoran Sunrise B Ng, J 0.000 0.000
9 12.000   Jumper-T Jump Like a Girl Sonic Workaholic B Taaffe, S 0.000 0.000
10 10.000   Gypsy-H Shannon Down I Put a Spell on you @ Nitro C Horner, R 0.000 0.000
11 10.000   Divina Vitesse Caelestis Admiratio B Fyler, T 0.000 0.000
12 10.000   Kink Wyndancer's Sweet Treats at Go B Sells, C 0.000 0.000
13 8.000   Wanda Whirling Wanda C Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
14 8.000   Wasabi-Fa Wildabout Sushi B Falck, L 0.000 0.000
15 8.000   Cala Sandstorm Ocala Girl C Maiolino, D 0.000 0.000
16 7.000   BMO TCS Be More B Hogan, C 0.000 0.000
17 6.500 SCR 3 Gnocchi Wildabout Gnocchi Alla Romana at TCS A Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
18 6.000   Berlin Debmar Bad Moon Rising of Blairmore (DII) C Blair, N 0.000 0.000
19 5.000   Kit Willa's Desert Fox C Ng, J 0.000 0.000
20 5.000   Vento Velvetgun the Winter's Tale B Scholz, D 0.000 0.000
21 5.000   Romanoff Wyndancer's Lakomka C Luening, R 0.000 0.000
22 5.000 SCR 3 Stormy-N Willa's Lightning Storm D Ng, J 0.000 0.000
23 5.000 SCR 3 Ricky Bobby Sandstorm Ricky Bobby C Fehl, K 0.000 0.000
24 5.000 SCR 2 Voodoo-H Shannon Down Superstitious at Nitro C Horner, R 0.000 0.000
25 5.000 SCR 2 London-C Beeswift Greatest of All Time D Casselman, P 0.000 0.000
26 4.000   Victor PSF Rise to the Top C Robertson, L 0.000 0.000
27 4.000   Tsunami Longrun's TCS Florida Keys C Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
28 4.000 SCR 3 Sandy-N Willa's Summer Sandstorm B Ng, J 0.000 0.000
29 4.000 SCR 2 Dragon-K Sandstorm Red - Dragon A King, S 0.000 0.000
30 3.000 SCR 3 Warrior TCS Road Warrior by Cash Creek D Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
31 3.000 SCR 3 Tata QuiXandz Bodacious D King, S 0.000 0.000
32 2.000   Nami PSF Go Sandstorm More Then A Ripple Tsunami C Sells, C 0.000 0.000
33 2.000 SCR 4 Zucchini Trezlar's Stuck on the Sandbar for Infinity (DII) D Nikodem, S 0.000 0.000
34 2.000 SCR 2 Halima Shannon Down The Conquest D Fyler, D 0.000 0.000
35 0.000   Poppy-B Trezlar Wild Poppy in the Moonlight (DII) D Blair, M 0.000 0.000
36 0.000 PSCR 3 Fling-R Quixand Sweet Nothing B Rakosky, E 0.000 0.000
37 0.000 PSCR 1 Nibbles No Regrets A Simmons, B 0.000 0.000
38 0.000 SCR 2 Keto WildAbout Bread And Butter B Simmons, B 0.000 0.000
39 0.000 SCR 2 RavenStar Kentfield RavenStar D Maiolino, D 0.000 0.000
39 0.000 SCR 2 Terra Carbeth the Last Hurrah D Ng, J 0.000 0.000
41 0.000 SCR 2 Nautica Nautica (DII) D Blair, M 0.000 0.000
Race by Race Results
Heat 1
Race 1: London-C (Scr) , Tata , Zucchini , Terra (Scr) , Poppy-B
Race 2: Stormy-N , Warrior , Halima (Scr) , RavenStar (Scr) , Nautica (Scr)
Race 3: Voodoo-H (Scr) , Romanoff , Wanda , Kit , Victor
Race 4: Ricky Bobby , Gypsy-H , Tsunami , Cala , Berlin , Nami
Race 5: Zephyr , Suzy Q , Sandy-N , Jumper-T , Kink
Race 6: Sonny-N , Vento , BMO , Wasabi-Fa , Keto (DNF) (Scr)
Race 7: Whiplash , Tarot , Oasis , Fling-R , Divina
Race 8: Miles-G , Sonic-R , Gnocchi , Dragon-K (Scr) , Nibbles (PScr)
Heat 2
Race 1: Kit , Cala , Victor , Berlin , Nami , Poppy-B
Race 2: Divina , Wasabi-Fa , Jumper-T , Fling-R , Kink
Race 3: BMO , Wanda , Sandy-N (Scr) , Tsunami , Zucchini
Race 4: Oasis , Gypsy-H , Romanoff , Warrior (Scr) , Tata (Scr)
Race 5: Tarot , Suzy Q , Vento , Stormy-N (Scr) , Ricky Bobby (Scr)
Race 6: Miles-G , Sonic-R , Whiplash , Zephyr , Gnocchi (Scr) , Sonny-N
Heat 3
Race 1: Kink , Berlin , Nami , Poppy-B , Fling-R (PScr)
Race 2: Jumper-T , Cala , Tsunami , Victor , Zucchini (Scr)
Race 3: Wasabi-Fa , Wanda , Divina , Romanoff , Kit
Race 4: Suzy Q , Sonny-N , Gypsy-H , BMO , Vento
Race 5: Tarot , Sonic-R , Oasis , Whiplash , Zephyr , Miles-G
Heat 4
Race 1: Kink , Berlin , Victor , Tsunami , Nami , Poppy-B
Race 2: Jumper-T , Divina , Cala , Kit , Vento , Romanoff
Race 3: Zephyr , Sonny-N , Gypsy-H , Wanda , Wasabi-Fa , BMO
Race 4: Miles-G , Suzy Q , Sonic-R , Whiplash , Oasis , Tarot


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